Problem 45 of Monte Carlo solutions to Fifty Challenging Problems...
(This is another part of the Fifty Problems series, a set of example applications of Monte Carlo methods. In each post, I present source code which answers a probabilistic question using simulated models of the underlying system.)
Problem 45: Let us shuffle two decks of cards and lay them out in two lines, one over the other. On average, how many cards will "line up" with themselves (ie: the 3 of clubs over the 3 of clubs)?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
deck = (0..51).to_a
# We shuffle the deck, then shuffle another. We then walk the
# two arrays together, looking for matches.
match = 0
TRIALS.times do
upper = deck.shuffle
lower = deck.shuffle
upper.each_with_index do |u_i, i|
l_i = lower[i]
match += 1 if l_i == u_i
puts "Out of #{TRIALS}, #{match} cards matched."
puts "That gives us an expected number of matches as: "
puts " #{match.to_f/TRIALS.to_f}"
I've been coding my way through Fifty Challenging Problems in Statistics with Solutions. This post is a part of the Fifty Challenging Problems series.
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