A really, really basic Morse code/CW trainer for the Linux CLI.
Released into the public domain, because it's so simple, it's borderline not-actually-copyrightable.
It's intended to be run on a large terminal, while you do something from the other side of the room. It doesn't do anything but play morse code and then print the letter on the terminal window.
There may be a nearly-useless demo video up athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3G8MiEa0GY
You can check out the source code via a git clone of cwdrill.git/ under this directory ("Copy link target" and git clone it).
The program is in code/; go in there and run
You'll need to have cwwav installed (see https://github.com/Kerrick/cwwav/) as well as banner(1) (on Ubuntu and probably Debian, try 'sudo apt-get install sysvbanner').
I'm pretty sure I just spent longer writing this readme than I did on writing the program.
Good luck. If it's broken on your system, you may keep all the pieces.